Putting it all together
The Process Blades, Goals, Decision Points, and techniques of the Disciplined Agile toolkit are too numerous to cover in a single chapter. As a result, in this section, we will have a quick and summary overview of how the DA toolkit supports the transformation of teams and organizations through increasing levels of maturity. The remaining sections follow the same pattern of organizing DA Process Blades in the context of DA's associated Inception, Construction, Transition Phases, and Ongoing Processes.
We'll start our discussion on DA Transitions by initiating team-level improvement opportunities, as identified in DA's toolkit as potential Process Goals.
Initiating your DA teams
Building a DA team is a set of activities that occurs in the Inception Phase of Disciplined Agile. The objectives are to find and hire the right people, determine the scope of work, create an initial architectural strategy, and plan for the first release. Research...