Crossing the security review finish line.

And you did it! You crossed that security review finish line like a seasoned marathoner! Let’s take a moment to soak in the applause and bask in the glory of the finisher’s medal hanging around your app. This is your well-deserved moment in the Salesforce sun—your app has just passed the rigorous security review and is ready to take its victory lap on the AppExchange marketplace
The fact that you’re here means you didn’t just sprint through the starting miles; you paced yourself, hydrated, persevered through the cramps, and kept your eyes on the finish line. Passing the Salesforce security review isn’t just another race day bib to your collection; it’s a testament to the rigorous training regimen and hard work you’ve put in. So, go ahead and indulge in a celebratory carb-loaded meal or a post-race ice bath. You’ve earned it!
But let’s not forget, even after...