Portfolio Epics
A Portfolio Epic is a significant solution initiative. There are two types of Portfolio Epics:
- Business Epics that directly deliver Business Value
- Enabler Epics that support the Architectural Runway and future business functionality
Epics are not merely a synonym for Projects; they operate quite differently. Epics represent a significant opportunity and also are not a large collection of Features. There can be lots of great ideas that don’t qualify as Epics. They may be more appropriately planned as Features.
Portfolio Epics are typically cross-cutting, spanning multiple Value Streams and PIs.
Pro tip
Even though Epics can span multiple PIs, I always try and create Epics that span maybe three or four PIs at most. Try and break a larger Epic into smaller Epics; otherwise, it will distort the prioritization. The larger Epics will naturally fall to the bottom of the Portfolio Backlog because of the effort/duration when we use...