In this chapter, we enabled our application so that it can be used by a casual user as opposed to having to rely on a third-party application such as Postman. We defined our own app views module that housed read file and insert functions. This resulted in us building a process that loaded an HTML file, inserted data from a JavaScript file and CSS file into the view data, and then served that data.
This gave us a dynamic view that automatically updated when we edited, deleted, or created a to-do item. We also explored some basics around CSS and JavaScript to make API calls from the frontend, as well as how to dynamically edit the HTML of certain sections of our view. We also styled the whole view based on the size of the window. Note we did not rely on external crates. This is because we want to be able to understand how we can process our own HTML data.
Also, we do not want to be dependent on the web framework that we are using. The external crates around HTML rendering...