Publishing a model file to an Edge node
Now that we have deployed and verified service-mms
, which can receive and process incoming MMS-published model files, we are all set to publish the model file and see it in action:
- Let’s go ahead and publish using model policy metadata and a simple model file having JSON content:
hzn mms object publish -m service-mms-publish.json -f test_mms.json
You should see the following output:
Digital sign with SHA1 will be performed for data integrity. It will delay the MMS object publish. Start hashing the file... Data hash is generated. Start digital signing with the data hash... Digital sign finished. Object test_mms.json added to org myorg in the Model Management Service
- Publishing may go through several stages. You may view them using the following command:
hzn mms object list -t testmms
Your output should be like this as the published model file goes through several stages:
Listing objects in org myorg: [ { ...