Creating substitution variables
In this recipe, we will go over how to set up substitution variables for different types of applications. The substitution variable is a global place holder for information that changes often. We will be setting up substitution variables at the Essbase Server level, at the application level, and at the database level. Moreover, we will discuss what the order of precedence is for substitution variables that have the same names at different levels. Finally, we will create substitution variables for use in date ranges and SQL queries in data load rules.
Getting ready
To get started, click on your Start menu and navigate to Programs | Oracle EPM System | Essbase | Essbase Administration Services | Start Administration Services Console. In the Log in menu, enter your Administration Server, Username, Password, and click on the Log in button.
Right-click on your Essbase Server in EAS, select Edit, and click on Variables.
In the Substitution Variables menu, click down...