Designing the offline experience
In the last section, you configured the tools necessary to make your app real. Now, let's step back and design the app in the context of some of the offline scenarios that we discussed in Chapter 1, The Pain of Being Offline.
What do users need from this app and why?
Designers often employ user stories to break a scenario into chunks. Each user story takes a person, describes a specific need that they have, and reveals the context behind the need. The format that we will use in this book is as follows:
- As [a person]
- I want [to accomplish a goal]
- So that [context about the goal]
Let's talk briefly about each clause. How do user stories help us understand what we need to design and build?
- As [a user]: This helps us understand who we're building for. If this person works with other people, we can (and should) consider how they will work together as a team. This is extremely important in communication-oriented products. Our simple to-do app considers...