- absolute module identifier
- about / Module identifiers and path names
- account page, user authentication
- module, routing for / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- add function / The notes router
- af command-line tool / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- af tunnel command / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- af update command / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- algorithm
- refactoring / Computationally intensive code and the event loop, Algorithmic refactoring
- app.configure method / Walking through the default Express application
- app.get function / Walking through the default Express application
- app.js
- configuring / Configuring app.js, Configuring app.js, Configuring app.js
- configuring, for LevelUP / Configuring app.js for LevelUP
- configuring, for notes / Configuring app.js
- changes / Changes in app.js
- app.js file / Launching a server with Node
- app.js module / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- app.set method / Walking through the default Express application
- app.use method / Walking through the default Express application
- AppFog
- notes, deploying / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- URL / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- application
- local modules / Local modules within your application
- external dependencies, bundling / Bundling external dependencies with your application
- app object / Scaling to use all cores on multi-core servers
- apt-get update command / Installing Node using package managers
- assert
- about / Assert – the simplest testing methodology
- assert module / Assert – the simplest testing methodology
- asynchronous code
- testing / Testing asynchronous code
- asynchronous event-driven architecture
- versus versus threaded architecture / Threaded versus asynchronous event-driven architecture
- async module / Configuring app.js
- async module / Algorithmic refactoring
- Backbone.js
- URL / Adding real-time web features to Notes
- backend service
- creating / Computationally intensive code and the event loop
- bin tag / The npm package format
- callback function / Making HTTP Client requests
- Chocolatey Gallery
- used, for installing Node on Windows / Installing Node on Windows using Chocolatey Gallery
- URL / Installing Node on Windows using Chocolatey Gallery
- client code
- setting up / Setting up the client code
- client side code
- setting up, for sending messages / Setting up client-side code for sending messages
- cluster module / Scaling to use all cores on multi-core servers
- commands
- running / Run a few commands; testing the commands
- testing / Run a few commands; testing the commands
- CommonJS modules
- URL / CommonJS modules
- about / CommonJS modules
- module encapsulation, demonstrating / Demonstrating module encapsulation
- configure function / Asynchronizing the Notes application, Injecting the model configuration into routers, Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- Connect
- about / Getting started with Express
- URL / Getting started with Express
- connect-flash module / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- connect event / Sending the events from the Notes server
- connect function / Storing notes in files, Schema setup and model code, Setting up the client code, Data model to store messages
- connect method / Configuring app.js
- context / Testing a model
- cookieParser middleware / Changes in app.js
- cores
- using, on multi-core servers / Scaling to use all cores on multi-core servers
- Create App button / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- Create button / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- create function / Express and the MVC paradigm, The Notes model, The notes router, Model code, Schema setup and model code, Modifying the Notes model to send events
- createReadStream function / LevelUP model code for Notes
- CRUD model / Express and the MVC paradigm
- csh users / Installing from source for all POSIX-like systems
- curl command / Making HTTP Client requests, Implementing a simple REST server with Express
- data event / Making HTTP Client requests
- Data model
- used, to store messages / Data model to store messages
- data object / Diagnosing a failing test case
- db.all function / Model code
- db.each function / Model code
- db.get function / Model code
- function / Model code
- Debian
- notes, deploying / Deploying Notes on Debian
- DELETE command / Model code
- deleteFile.js file / Testing asynchronous code
- deleteFile function / Testing asynchronous code
- delete function / Diagnosing a failing test case
- delmessage event / Socket.IO events for sending messages between users, Dispatching messages between the client- and server-side, Displaying messages to the user
- delMessage function / Displaying messages to the user
- DerbyJS
- URL / Adding real-time web features to Notes
- destroy function / Express and the MVC paradigm, The notes router, Schema setup and model code, Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages, Modifying the Notes model to send events, Diagnosing a failing test case
- developer tools
- installing, on Mac OS X / Installing developer tools on Mac OS X
- installing from source, for POSIX-like systems / Installing from source for all POSIX-like systems
- developer tools, installing
- multiple Node installs, maintaining / Maintaining multiple Node installs simultaneously
- directories tag / The npm package format
- disconnect event / Sending the events from the Notes server, Listening to the heartbeat and cleaning up when it stops
- disconnect function / Storing notes in files
- doAccount function / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- docreate flag / Adding a new note (create)
- docreate parameter / The notes router
- dodelmessage event / Socket.IO events for sending messages between users, Dispatching messages between the client- and server-side
- dodestroy function / The notes router
- doLogin function / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- doSendMessage function / Setting up client-side code for sending messages
- duplicate modules
- eliminating / Eliminating duplicate modules installed beneath node_modules
- .emit function / EventEmitter theory, Initializing Socket.IO with Express
- edit function / The notes router, Diagnosing a failing test case
- err object / Diagnosing a failing test case
- err variable / Testing asynchronous code
- event
- receiving, with EventEmitters / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- sending, with EventEmitters / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- browser-side event handlers / Browser-side event handlers
- EventEmitter class / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters, Sending the events from the Notes server
- EventEmitter object / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- EventEmitters
- about / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- events, sending / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- events, receiving / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- HTTPClient object / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- HTTPServer object / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- theory / EventEmitter theory
- Event Loop
- about / Computationally intensive code and the event loop
- events
- between Notes server and client code / Events between the Notes server and client code
- notetitles event / Events between the Notes server and client code
- noteupdated event / Events between the Notes server and client code
- notedeleted event / Events between the Notes server and client code
- sending, Notes model modified / Modifying the Notes model to send events
- sending, from Notes server / Sending the events from the Notes server
- Everyauth
- URL / User authentication
- exports.view function / Diagnosing a failing test case
- exports object / Defining a module
- exports variable / Testing a model
- Express
- about / Getting started with Express
- URL / Getting started with Express
- installing / Getting started with Express
- Fibonacci sequence, calculating / Calculating the Fibonacci sequence with Express
- REST service, calling / Calling a REST backend service from an Express application
- REST server, implementing / Implementing a simple REST server with Express
- Socket.IO, initializing with / Initializing Socket.IO with Express
- Express application
- about / Walking through the default Express application
- look, changing / Changing the look of an Express application
- express command / Express and the MVC paradigm, Creating the Notes application code
- Express command-line tool / Getting started with Express
- express module / Bundling external dependencies with your application
- Favicon
- about / HTTP Sniffer – listening to the HTTP conversation
- Fibonacci application
- refactoring, for REST / Refactoring the Fibonacci application for REST
- fibonacci function / Algorithmic refactoring
- Fibonacci sequence
- calculating, with Express / Calculating the Fibonacci sequence with Express
- code, calculating / Computationally intensive code and the event loop
- fibonum / Calculating the Fibonacci sequence with Express
- fiboserver.js file / Implementing a simple REST server with Express
- fibotimes.js file / Computationally intensive code and the event loop
- files
- notes, storing / Storing notes in files
- findAll function / Data model to store messages
- findAll operation / Schema setup and model code
- find function / Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose
- findOne function / Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose
- find operation / Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose
- forever tool
- about / Starting Node servers at system startup, Deploying Notes on Debian
- URL / Starting Node servers at system startup, Deploying Notes on Debian
- fs module / Defining a module
- fs object / Defining a module
- -g flag / npm – the Node package manager, Installing an npm package
- getmessages event / Socket.IO events for sending messages between users, Dispatching messages between the client- and server-side, Displaying messages to the user
- getmessages function / Displaying messages to the user
- GET request / Walking through the default Express application
- GitHub
- URL / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- globals / Defining a module
- <h1> tags / Changing the look of an Express application
- handler function / Threaded versus asynchronous event-driven architecture
- heartbeat
- listening to / Listening to the heartbeat and cleaning up when it stops
- help message / Running a simple script with Node
- Homebrew
- Node, installing on Mac OS X / Installing on Mac OS X with Homebrew
- URL / Installing on Mac OS X with Homebrew
- homepage tag / Finding npm packages
- http.createServer function / HTTP server applications
- http.createServer method / Performance and utilization
- http.request method / Making HTTP Client requests
- http.Server object / HTTP server applications
- HTTPClient object / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- HTTP Client requests
- making / Making HTTP Client requests
- HTTP conversation
- HTTP Sniffer, listening / HTTP Sniffer – listening to the HTTP conversation
- HTTP request
- URL / Some RESTful Node modules
- HTTP request client
- URL / Some RESTful Node modules
- HTTP request system
- URL / Some RESTful Node modules
- HTTP server application / HTTP server applications
- HTTPServer object / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- HTTP Sniffer
- listening, to HTTP conversation / HTTP Sniffer – listening to the HTTP conversation
- images directory / Changing the look of an Express application
- index.ejs template / Asynchronizing the Notes application
- index.ejs view / Asynchronizing the Notes application
- index function / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- init script / Starting Node servers at system startup, Deploying Notes on Debian
- INSERT INTO command / The Notes model
- instances
- multiple, scaling up / Scaling up and running multiple instances
- multiple, running / Scaling up and running multiple instances
- Intel's paper
- URL / Server utilization, the bottom line, and green web hosting
- .json extension / Storing notes in files
- JavaScript
- about / Server-side JavaScript, Why should you use Node?
- disadvantages / Why should you use Node?
- advantages / Why should you use Node?
- javascripts directory / Changing the look of an Express application
- JOIN query / Changes in app.js
- key parameter / Storing notes in files
- launchd script / Starting Node servers at system startup
- LevelDB
- URL / Storing notes with the LevelUP data store
- LevelUP
- about / Storing notes with the LevelUP data store
- used, for storing notes / Storing notes with the LevelUP data store
- URL / Storing notes with the LevelUP data store
- installing / Installing LevelUP
- model code, for notes / LevelUP model code for Notes
- app.js, configuring / Configuring app.js for LevelUP
- lib directory / The npm package format
- LinkedIn
- URL / Performance and utilization
- Linux
- node, installing from package management systems / Installing on Linux from package management systems
- listen function / Launching a server with Node, HTTP server applications, HTTP Sniffer – listening to the HTTP conversation
- listen method / Performance and utilization
- local modules / Local modules within your application
- Local strategy / Changes in app.js
- location parameter / LevelUP model code for Notes
- login, user authentication
- module, routing for / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- logout, user authentication
- module, routing for / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- LSB-style init script
- URL / Deploying Notes on Debian
- Mac OS X
- Node, installing with MacPorts / Installing on Mac OS X with MacPorts
- Node, installing with Homebrew / Installing on Mac OS X with Homebrew
- developer tools, installing / Installing developer tools on Mac OS X
- MacPorts
- project, URL / Installing on Mac OS X with MacPorts
- Node, installing on Mac OS X / Installing on Mac OS X with MacPorts
- macro / Testing router functions
- main tag / The npm package format
- Makefile file / Making it easy to run the tests
- messageBox element / Displaying messages to the user
- messages
- sending, between users / Sending messages between users
- sent between users, Socket.IO events used / Socket.IO events for sending messages between users
- storing, data model used / Data model to store messages
- sending, client side code setting up / Setting up client-side code for sending messages
- dispatching, between client-side / Dispatching messages between the client- and server-side
- dispatching, between server-side / Dispatching messages between the client- and server-side
- displaying, to user / Displaying messages to the user
- sending / Running Notes and sending messages
- method field / Making HTTP Client requests
- middleware / Web application frameworks
- Mikito Takada blog
- URL / Performance and utilization
- mock-model.js file / Testing router functions
- mockNext function / Testing router functions
- mockRes function / Testing router functions
- mockRes object / Testing router functions
- model
- testing / Testing a model
- model code / Schema setup and model code
- model configuration
- injecting, into routers / Injecting the model configuration into routers
- models directory / Express and the MVC paradigm
- Model View Controller (MVC) / Web application frameworks
- module
- routing, for login / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- routing, for logout / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- routing, for account page / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- module encapsulation
- demonstrating / Demonstrating module encapsulation
- module identifier
- about / Module identifiers and path names
- relative module identifier / Module identifiers and path names
- absolute module identifier / Module identifiers and path names
- top-level module identifier / Module identifiers and path names
- modules
- about / Defining a module
- identifiers / Module identifiers and path names
- path names / Module identifiers and path names
- as directories / Complex modules – modules as directories
- complex modules / Complex modules – modules as directories
- MongoDB
- about / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- notes, storing with Mongoose / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- URL / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- mongohosting
- URL / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- mongohq
- URL / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- mongolab
- URL / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- Mongoose
- about / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- notes, storing in MongoDB / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- URL / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- notes model, implementing / Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose
- multi-core servers
- cores, using / Scaling to use all cores on multi-core servers
- multiple Node installation
- maintaining / Maintaining multiple Node installs simultaneously
- about / Express and the MVC paradigm
- views directory / Express and the MVC paradigm
- routes directory / Express and the MVC paradigm
- MySQL button / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- newmessage event / Socket.IO events for sending messages between users, Data model to store messages, Dispatching messages between the client- and server-side, Displaying messages to the user
- next function / Defining a module
- next object / Testing router functions
- Node
- capabilities / The capabilities of Node
- server-side JavaScript / Server-side JavaScript
- using / Why should you use Node?
- architecture / Threaded versus asynchronous event-driven architecture
- performance / Performance and utilization, Is Node a cancerous scalability disaster?
- utilization / Performance and utilization
- performance case study, URL / Performance and utilization
- server utilization / Server utilization, the bottom line, and green web hosting
- green web hosting / Server utilization, the bottom line, and green web hosting
- URL / What's in a name – Node, Node.js, or Node.JS?, Launching a server with Node
- system requisites / System requirements
- distribution, installing from / Installing the Node distribution from
- installing from source, on POSIX-like systems from source / Installing from source on POSIX-like systems
- installing, URL / Installing from source on POSIX-like systems
- prerequisites, installing / Installing prerequisites
- command-line tools / Node's command-line tools
- simple script, running / Running a simple script with Node
- server, launching / Launching a server with Node
- server, starting at system start-up / Starting Node servers at system startup
- modules / Node modules
- algorithm, for resolving require('module') / Node's algorithm for resolving require(module)
- algorithmic refactoring / Computationally intensive code and the event loop
- backend service, creating / Computationally intensive code and the event loop
- Node, installing
- package managers used / Installing Node using package managers
- on Mac OS X, with MacPorts / Installing on Mac OS X with MacPorts
- on Mac OS X, with with Homebrew / Installing on Mac OS X with Homebrew
- on Linux, from package management systems / Installing on Linux from package management systems
- on Windows, Chocolatey Gallery used / Installing Node on Windows using Chocolatey Gallery
- node-gyp
- installation, URL / Installing LevelUP
- node-gyp project
- installing, URL / Installing native code modules on Windows
- node-init
- URL / Starting Node servers at system startup
- about / Starting Node servers at system startup
- node-waf tool / Node's command-line tools
- node command / Installing the StrongLoop Node distribution, Node's command-line tools, Testing a model
- Nodefront
- URL / Maintaining multiple Node installs simultaneously
- Node distribution, installing / Installing the Node distribution from
- Node modules
- about / Some RESTful Node modules
- nodetitles event function / Browser-side event handlers
- Node version manager
- URL / Maintaining multiple Node installs simultaneously
- NODE_ENV variable / Walking through the default Express application
- node_modules
- duplicate modules, eliminating / Eliminating duplicate modules installed beneath node_modules
- node_modules directory / Module identifiers and path names, Bundling external dependencies with your application, Installing an npm package
- NODE_PATH variable
- system-wide modules / System-wide modules in NODE_PATH and elsewhere
- about / System-wide modules in NODE_PATH and elsewhere
- notedeleted event / Events between the Notes server and client code, Modifying the Notes model to send events, Sending the events from the Notes server, Browser-side event handlers
- noteedit.ejs template / Editing an existing note (update)
- notekey object / Adding a new note (create)
- notekey parameter / Browser-side event handlers
- note object / Adding a new note (create), Viewing notes (read), Schema setup and model code
- Notes
- model / The Notes model
- home page / The Notes home page
- adding / Adding a new note (create)
- viewing / Viewing notes (read)
- editing / Editing an existing note (update)
- deleting / Deleting notes (destroy)
- real-time web features, adding / Adding real-time web features to Notes
- running / Running Notes and sending messages
- notes
- deploying, on Debian / Deploying Notes on Debian
- deploying, on AppFog / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- notes, storing
- in files / Storing notes in files
- app.js, configuring / Configuring app.js, Configuring app.js, Configuring app.js, Configuring app.js
- with LevelUP data store / Storing notes with the LevelUP data store
- LevelUP, installing / Installing LevelUP
- LevelUP model code, for notes / LevelUP model code for Notes
- app.js, configuring for LevelUP / Configuring app.js for LevelUP
- in SQL / Storing notes in SQL – SQLite3
- schema, setting up with SQLite3 / Setting up a schema with SQLite3
- model code / Model code
- with Sequelize module / Storing notes the ORM way with the Sequelize module
- schema, setup / Schema setup and model code
- in MongoDB with Mongoose / Storing notes in MongoDB with Mongoose
- notes model implementation, in Mongoose / Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose
- notes.destroy / The notes router
- Notes.sync() function / Schema setup and model code
- notes.titles function / Asynchronizing the Notes application
- Notes application
- code, creating / Creating the Notes application code
- asynchronizing / Asynchronizing the Notes application
- running / Running the Notes application
- running, with Socket.IO / Running the Notes application with Socket.IO
- Notes application, asynchronizing
- model configuration, injecting into routers / Injecting the model configuration into routers
- notes router / The notes router
- Notes application code, creating
- Notes model / The Notes model
- Notes home page / The Notes home page
- Notes, adding / Adding a new note (create)
- Notes, viewing / Viewing notes (read)
- Notes, editing / Editing an existing note (update)
- Notes, deleting / Deleting notes (destroy)
- Notes model
- modifying, to send events / Modifying the Notes model to send events
- notes model
- implementing, in Mongoose / Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose
- notes module / The Notes home page
- notes router / The notes router
- Notes server
- events, sending from / Sending the events from the Notes server
- notetitles event / Events between the Notes server and client code
- noteupdated event / Events between the Notes server and client code, Modifying the Notes model to send events, Sending the events from the Notes server, Browser-side event handlers
- npm
- about / npm – the Node package manager, Node package manager
- URL / Getting help with npm
- configuration settings / npm configuration settings
- CommonJS modules / CommonJS modules
- npm command / Installing the StrongLoop Node distribution
- using / Using the npm commands
- about / Getting help with npm
- package information, viewing / Viewing package information
- native code modules, installing on Windows / Installing native code modules on Windows
- packages, installing to module / Installing packages local to a module
- duplicate modules, eliminating / Eliminating duplicate modules installed beneath node_modules
- installed packages, listing / Listing the currently installed packages
- outdated packages, updating / Updating outdated packages you've installed
- installed npm package, uninstalling / Uninstalling an installed npm package
- npm config set command / npm configuration settings
- npm get command / npm configuration settings
- npm init command / Developing and publishing npm packages
- npm install command / Installing an npm package, Developing and publishing npm packages
- npm list command / Listing the currently installed packages
- npm package
- about / Node package manager
- format / The npm package format
- finding / Finding npm packages
- information, viewing / Viewing package information
- installing / Installing an npm package
- installing, to module / Installing packages local to a module
- installed packages, listing / Listing the currently installed packages
- scripts / Package scripts
- installed content, editing / Editing and exploring installed package content
- installed content, exploring / Editing and exploring installed package content
- outdated packages, updating / Updating outdated packages you've installed
- uninstalling / Uninstalling an installed npm package
- developing / Developing and publishing npm packages
- publishing / Developing and publishing npm packages
- version strings / Package version strings and ranges
- ranges / Package version strings and ranges
- npm publish command / Developing and publishing npm packages
- npm repository
- URL / The npm package format
- npm set command / npm configuration settings
- npm unpublish command / Developing and publishing npm packages
- npm view command / Finding npm packages
- .on function / HTTP Sniffer – listening to the HTTP conversation, Sending the events from the Notes server
- openid module / Complex modules – modules as directories
- OpenSSL
- URL / System requirements
- options object / Making HTTP Client requests
- about / Storing notes the ORM way with the Sequelize module
- -prefix option / Maintaining multiple Node installs simultaneously
- package.json file / Complex modules – modules as directories, The npm package format, Scaling to use all cores on multi-core servers, Making it easy to run the tests
- package managers
- used, for installing Node / Installing Node using package managers
- URL / Installing on Linux from package management systems
- params.model / Injecting the model configuration into routers
- Passport
- URL / User authentication
- passport-local / Changes in app.js
- Passport middleware / Changes in app.js
- passport module / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- path.join function / Storing notes in files
- path module / Storing notes in files
- path names / Module identifiers and path names
- PATH variable / Installing from source for all POSIX-like systems
- Percolator.JS
- URL / Some RESTful Node modules
- persistent storage
- Create operation / Express and the MVC paradigm
- Read operation / Express and the MVC paradigm
- Update operation / Express and the MVC paradigm
- POSIX-like systems
- Node, installing from source / Installing from source on POSIX-like systems, Installing from source for all POSIX-like systems
- postLogin function / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- POST operation / Adding a new note (create)
- public directory
- about / Changing the look of an Express application
- images directory / Changing the look of an Express application
- javascripts directory / Changing the look of an Express application
- stylesheets directory / Changing the look of an Express application
- Pulsar class / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- pulse event / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- pulser.js file / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- Pulser object / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- Python
- URL / System requirements
- qs module / Bundling external dependencies with your application
- query function / Threaded versus asynchronous event-driven architecture
- readdirSync function / Running a simple script with Node
- read function / Express and the MVC paradigm, Storing notes in files, Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose, Executing the tests
- readNote function / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages, Diagnosing a failing test case
- real-time web features
- adding, to Notes / Adding real-time web features to Notes
- redirect function / Testing router functions
- relative module identifier
- about / Module identifiers and path names
- remove function / Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose
- removeListener function / Sending the events from the Notes server
- render function / Testing router functions
- Representational State Transfer (REST) / Making HTTP Client requests
- req.flash function / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- req.isAuthenticated function / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- req.user variable / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- request.method field / HTTP server applications
- request.url field / HTTP server applications
- request event / HTTP server applications
- request object / HTTP server applications, Testing router functions
- require function / Defining a module, CommonJS modules
- require statement / Local modules within your application, The Notes home page, Injecting the model configuration into routers
- res.render function / Calculating the Fibonacci sequence with Express
- response object / HTTP server applications, Making HTTP Client requests, Testing router functions
- REST client library
- URL / Some RESTful Node modules
- REST server
- implementing, with Express / Implementing a simple REST server with Express
- Fibonacci application, refactoring / Refactoring the Fibonacci application for REST
- REST service
- calling, from Express application / Calling a REST backend service from an Express application
- route middleware / Changes in app.js
- router functions
- testing / Testing router functions
- router module / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- routers
- model configuration, injecting / Injecting the model configuration into routers
- Routers / Web application frameworks
- routes/notes.js module / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- routes directory / Express and the MVC paradigm
- Ruby
- installer, URL / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- Ryan Dahl
- URL / Performance and utilization
- .schema command / Setting up a schema with SQLite3
- <script> tag / Browser-side event handlers
- save function / Adding a new note (create), The notes router
- schema
- setting up, with sqlite3 / Setting up a schema with SQLite3
- setup / Schema setup and model code
- script
- running, with Node / Running a simple script with Node
- script tag / The npm package format
- sequelize-based users model / The Sequelize-based users model
- sequelize-params.js file / Testing a model
- sequelize-params module / Changes in app.js
- Sequelize model / Testing router functions
- Sequelize module
- notes, storing with / Storing notes the ORM way with the Sequelize module
- URL / Storing notes the ORM way with the Sequelize module
- server
- launching, with Node / Launching a server with Node
- session middleware / User authentication, Changes in app.js
- setInterval / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- setup.js tool / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- setup function / Testing a model
- ShareJS
- URL / Adding real-time web features to Notes
- showerror.ejs template / Asynchronizing the Notes application
- simple.js module / Defining a module
- slnode command / Installing the StrongLoop Node distribution
- Small-scale web applications / Performance and utilization
- sniffOn function / HTTP Sniffer – listening to the HTTP conversation
- Socket.IO
- about / Introducing Socket.IO
- initializing, with Express / Initializing Socket.IO with Express
- client code, setting up / Setting up the client code
- Notes application, running with / Running the Notes application with Socket.IO
- Socket.IO events
- used, for sending messages between users / Socket.IO events for sending messages between users
- socket object / Initializing Socket.IO with Express
- special versions / Package version strings and ranges
- SQLite3
- about / Storing notes in SQL – SQLite3
- URL / Storing notes in SQL – SQLite3
- advantages / Storing notes in SQL – SQLite3
- schema, setting up / Setting up a schema with SQLite3
- model code / Model code
- app.js, configuring / Configuring app.js
- sqlite3 command / Setting up a schema with SQLite3
- sqlite3 module / Model code
- sqlite3 package / Setting up a schema with SQLite3
- start method / Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
- start script / Package scripts
- state / User authentication
- static file servers / Web application frameworks
- strategies / Changes in app.js
- StrongLoop Node
- about / Installing the StrongLoop Node distribution
- URL / Installing the StrongLoop Node distribution
- installing / Installing the StrongLoop Node distribution
- stylesheets directory / Changing the look of an Express application
- success function / Schema setup and model code
- test-deleteFile.js file / Testing asynchronous code, Assert – the simplest testing methodology
- test-model.js file / Testing a model
- test/setup-model.js script / Testing a model
- test case
- diagnosing / Diagnosing a failing test case
- test driven development (TDD) / Testing a model
- tests
- executing / Executing the tests
- running / Making it easy to run the tests
- this.callback function / Testing a model
- threaded architecture
- versus asynchronous event-driven architecture / Threaded versus asynchronous event-driven architecture
- title parameter / Storing notes in files
- titles function / Storing notes in files, LevelUP model code for Notes, Schema setup and model code, Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose
- top-level module identifier
- about / Module identifiers and path names
- topic field / Testing a model
- tunnel / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- Twitter Bootstrap
- URL / Changing the look of an Express application
- Ubuntus Upstart tool
- about / Starting Node servers at system startup
- URL / Starting Node servers at system startup
- undefined object / Diagnosing a failing test case
- unique$ false attribute / Data model to store messages
- updateAttributes function / Schema setup and model code
- UPDATE command / The Notes model
- update function / Express and the MVC paradigm, The Notes model, The notes router, Model code, Implementing the Notes model in Mongoose, Modifying the Notes model to send events
- updatenote function / Browser-side event handlers
- USAGE message / Node's command-line tools
- user.js module / Calculating the Fibonacci sequence with Express
- user authentication
- about / User authentication
- app.js, changes / Changes in app.js
- sequelize-based users model / The Sequelize-based users model
- module, routing for login / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- module, routing for logout / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- module, routing for account page / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- user table, initializing / Initializing the user table
- Notes application, running / Running the Notes application
- user object / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- users.ensureAuthenticated function / Changes in app.js, Running the Notes application
- users module / Changes in app.js
- user table
- initializing / Initializing the user table
- user variable / Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- .values function / Demonstrating module encapsulation
- V8
- about / Scaling to use all cores on multi-core servers
- VCAP_APP_PORT environment variable / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- VCAP_SERVICES environment variable / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- view function / Diagnosing a failing test case
- views/fibonacci.ejs file / Calculating the Fibonacci sequence with Express
- views directory / Express and the MVC paradigm, Adding a new note (create), Viewing notes (read), Routing module for the login, logout, and account pages
- vows.describe function / Testing a model
- Vows framework
- URL / Testing a model
- Web frameworks
- about / Web application frameworks
- URL / Web application frameworks
- need for / Web application frameworks
- wget command / Making HTTP Client requests
- Windows
- Node installing, Chocolatey Gallery used / Installing Node on Windows using Chocolatey Gallery
- native code modules, installing / Installing native code modules on Windows
- workforce.js module / Deploying Notes on cloud hosting (AppFog)
- workforce module / Scaling to use all cores on multi-core servers
- WritableStream
- URL / Making HTTP Client requests
- Xcode
- URL / Installing developer tools on Mac OS X
- Yahoo Axis
- URL / Performance and utilization
- YSlow
- URL / Computationally intensive code and the event loop