Throughput measurements with IO Graph
IO Graph is a convenient tool for measuring the throughput of a network. Using it, we can measure the traffic and throughput of any predefined filter. In this recipe we will see some examples for measuring the throughput of a network.
Getting ready
Connect your laptop with Wireshark to a network with a port mirror to the link you want to measure, as you learned in Chapter 1, Introducing Wireshark. Start a new capture or open an existing file, and open the IO Graphs tool from the Statistics menu.
While measuring the throughput, we can measure the throughput on a communication line between end devices (PC to server, phone to phone, PC to the Internet, and so on) or to a specific application.
The process of isolating network problems starts from measuring traffic over a link between end devices on single connections and seeing where it comes from.
Some typical measurements are host-to-host traffic, all the traffic to a specific server, all the traffic to a specific...