Time for action – creating a custom grade item in the grader report
Return to your course front page and click on the Outcomes link in the Settings block:
Don't see the Outcomes link?
If you can't see the Outcomes link, then you need to speak to your administrator to get this enabled. Check out the Ask the admin section at the end of this chapter.
You are now taken to the Outcomes used in course page. If the outcomes you need to grade aren't listed in the Standard outcomes box then we need to add them. Assuming that is the case, click on the Outcomes used in course drop-down list and select Edit outcomes:
Press the Add a new outcome button. Give your outcome a name, a short name, and choose the scale that you want to use to grade this outcome. Remember: you can create your own custom scales to judge outcomes if you need to. When you are finished, press the Save changes button at the bottom of the page and, as you add more, you'll start to build up a list of outcomes:
When you are done,...