About the reviewers
David Horat was raised in Gran Canaria, a Spanish island near the African coast. There, he completed his M.Sc. in Computer Engineering at the University of Las Palmas de G.C. Encouraged by his colleagues and friends, he decided to go abroad. He spent six months on an Erasmus scholarship in the German University FH Nord Akademie, where he developed an eLearning platform based on Moodle and other tools. He later worked on his Master thesis, which focuses on accessibility and usability in web applications, but specifically as applied to Moodle.
David is currently working as a Software Engineer in the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) specializing in grid technologies. He has also worked at Ericsson as a specialist on communication protocols. Among other things, he has participated as a Moodle mentor in the Google Summer of Code program for two years, contributing to the community in accessibility and usability projects.
Ian Wild is the co-founder of Heavy Horse Ltd. (http://heavy-horse.co.uk), a company specializing in information and communication technology, especially in the context of education. He lives in rural Worcestershire with his wife Karen and three children, Matthew, Lian, and Ethan.
Ian's career has always focused primarily on communication and education. Fifteen years spent in private industry, designing communication systems software, eventually saw Ian specialize in the design and development of access and learning aids for blind, visually impaired, dyslexic, and dyscalculic computer users—whilst also working part-time as a math and science tutor.
Teaching only part-time meant not spending as much time with his students as he would have liked. This, coupled with his background in learning and communication technology, seeded his interest in virtual learning environments.
Ian is author of the popular book Moodle Course Conversion: Beginner's Guide, also published by Packt.
Laia Subirats completed his M.S. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Pompeu Fabra University in M.Sc 2008. During the last two years of her degree, she worked in several companies such as the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Telefonica R&D, and the Catalonian Supercomputing Centre. Thanks to the Google Summer of Code she worked in preventing, detecting, and solving Moodle usability problems. Moreover, she was a speaker for the Gradebook module in MoodleMoot 2008. Currently, she is studying a Research Master at the Telematics in Technical University of Catalonia, also in Barcelona, granted by the "la Caixa" scholarship program. She is especially interested in encouraging female teenagers into technical degrees.