Analyzing log files
The left-hand side of the Remo window contains the log file area. This allows you to import a ModSecurity audit log file into Remo to see why requests are being denied. This is helpful when the Remo ruleset blocks access to a page even though you think everything has been properly defined. We encountered one such situation in the previous example, where Remo was not aware that a session ID cookie was being used and hence blocked the request. We used the Apache error log file to diagnose the problem; however, we could also have used the Remo log file area.
To import an audit log file into Remo, you need to have the file saved on the computer from which you are accessing Remo. You can then click the import logfile icon and specify the path to the file. Clicking Load uploads the log file to the server, where Remo will start analyzing it. A view of those requests that have been denied will be displayed:

In this case we'd like to know why the request for /register.jsp