Runbook for Active Directory User Password Reset
While we're still on the Active Directory activities, we'll target another great sample of automation and process improvement through Orchestrator by speeding up the process of resetting a user's password.
So let's look at the process itself, the design of it and what we need to put in place.
The usual password reset process requires someone from the IT department to be involved at all times, have his Active Directory console open, type the user account to search for it, select the reset password option, define a new password, unlock the account in case the account is locked, and finally communicate the new password to the user.
This process can take up to 2 minutes with an IT helpdesk that has the consoles ready to go and a bit more if he still has to type in his password for his administrative account, open the consoles and so on.
The process with Orchestrator will take under 30 seconds!
Now to the process itself! For the...