Now, let's look at solutions from a company called Derdack.
Enterprise Alert
Tired of managing all your alerts with SCOM subscriptions? Do you need reliable alert notifications after business hours? Too many alerts at night? No tracking, no escalations? No convenient on-call scheduling in System Center? No mobile app?
Derdack's Enterprise Alert is a unique incident notification and response solution, extending Microsoft System Center, OMS/OI, and other IT monitoring and helpdesk solutions. It transforms basic alert notifications into a 24/7 anywhere engagement for on-call teams and introduces a new quality of on-call incident response.

Enterprise Alert comes with everything your IT line of business needs to respond to unexpected and major incidents quickly, reliably, and effectively. It delivers critical alerts to the right people via text, voice, IM, e-mail and push, tracks delivery, and escalates automatically. It introduces an entirely new level of incident accountability...