Database Availability Group health checks
In this section, we will review some cmdlets and scripts that are used to collect data, display, and monitor the status of the database copies on DAG members.
The Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus
cmdlet is used to retrieve the status of the database copies of a particular database and the details of replication networks.
The following example returns the status of all the copies of database MDB1
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Identity MDB1 | Format-List
The following command will retrieve the status of all databases on Mailbox Server Exch2
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server Exch2 | Format-List
cmdlet displays the replication status of mailbox database copies. The following example tests the health of replication for the Mailbox server Exch3
Test-ReplicationHealth -Identity Exch3
Apart from the preceding cmdlets, you also need to review the events in Event Viewer and look for crimson channels in the Applications and Services...