Table triggers
To display the triggers with the table open in Table Designer, click on the C/AL Code icon or F9 or View | C/AL Code. The first (top) table trigger is the Documentation trigger. This trigger is somewhat misleadingly named as it only serves as a location for needed documentation. No C/AL code in a Documentation trigger is executed. There are no syntax or format rules here, but we should follow a standard format of some type.
Every change to an object should be briefly documented in the Documentation trigger. The use of a standard format for such entries makes it easier to create them as well as to understand them two years later. For example:
CD.02 – 2015-03-16 Change to track when new customer added - Added field 50012 "Start Date"
The Documentation trigger has the same appearance as the four other triggers in a table definition, shown in the following screenshot, each of which can contain the C/AL code:

The code contained in a trigger is executed...