We learned about the TensorFlow core API in Chapter 1. In R, this API is implemented with the tensorflow R package.
As an example, we provide a walkthrough of the MLP Model for classifying handwritten digits from the MNIST dataset at the following link: https://tensorflow.rstudio.com/tensorflow/articles/examples/mnist_softmax.html.
You can follow along with the code in the Jupyter R notebook ch-17a_TFCore_in_R.
- First, load the library:
- Define the hyper-parameters:
batch_size <- 128
num_classes <- 10
steps <- 1000
- Prepare the data:
datasets <- tf$contrib$learn$datasets
mnist <- datasets$mnist$read_data_sets("MNIST-data", one_hot = TRUE)
The data is loaded from the TensorFlow dataset library and is already normalized to fall into the [0,1] range.
- Define the model:
# Create the model
x <- tf$placeholder(tf$float32...