Variants of the jest.mock call
Before we finish up this chapter, let’s take a look at some variations on the jest.mock
call that you may end up using.
The key thing to remember is to keep your mocks as simple as possible. If you start to feel like your mocks need to become more complex, you should treat that as a sign that your components are overloaded and should be broken apart in some way.
That being said, there are cases where you must use different forms of the basic component mock.
Removing the spy function
To begin with, you can simplify your jest.mock
calls by not using jest.fn
jest.mock("../src/AppointmentsDayView", () => ({ AppointmentsDayView: () => ( <div id="AppointmentsDayView" /> ), }));
With this form, you’ve set a stub return value, but you won’t be able to spy on any props. This is sometimes useful if, for example, you’ve got multiple files...