Creating new project
We have exhaustively seen how to create a new project in Chapter 1, Kickstart - Introduction to Entity Framework Core. Kindly refer to the steps involved in creating the project and use the following project information:
Project name:
Solution name
: MasteringEFCore
Installing Entity Framework
The Entity Framework package inclusion and the steps involved were also discussed extensively in Chapter 1, Kickstart - Introduction to Entity Framework Core. So let's focus on the packages that are required for the reverse engineering (database-first approach). The basic package required for the Entity Framework to integrate with SQL Server is as follows:
Add the following command in the PM Console to install the following package:
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
We could also search and install the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
package using NuGet Package Manager

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer NuGet...