Building the form
This section will teach you how to build your form and prepare it to stream data to Power BI. I've also tried to replicate the workflow using services such as Microsoft Flow and OneDrive, but I then chose Google services to complete it. The reason is that to achieve the same workflow, you will need a Microsoft business account as Micorosft Flow can't be accessed by users with personal accounts.
To be honest, this is a bit disappointing, as many people perhaps don't have a business account to try out those services. Microsoft Flow is fascinating as it could allow the creation of smart widgets to place on our phones, and that's pretty cool. Flow belongs to a software family type called IFTTT. IFTTT is an acronym, and it means IF THIS THEN THAT. Like any other IFTTT tool, Microsoft Flow can be connected to various online services, such as emails, spreadsheets, databases, sensors, and many different fantastic kinds of stuff. I suggest you learn...