Time for action — uploading your profile pictures
Let's get a few different profile pictures uploaded to your portfolio:
1. Click on the Profile pictures submenu button under Content.
2. You will notice that to begin with there are no images found — that's because you haven't added any yet. Click on Choose file to find the profile picture you want to upload from your computer or external hard drive (or wherever). Mahara asks that your image is between 16x16 and 1024x1204 pixels, so make sure it is!
3. When you're happy with the image that you have selected, don't forget to add an Image Title for your profile picture before you click on the Upload button.
4. You are allowed to upload up to five profile pictures and you can delete any picture at any point. You have the option to set a default picture — if you do, you should probably choose a fairly sensible one. If you click on Use no default, the default Mahara profile shadow will be shown instead. Janet Norman has uploaded two profile pictures...