In-app purchases
The popular option for mobile games these days is the in-app purchase. This is a product that can be bought inside the game that can exist perpetually or be consumed and repurchased, unlocking or providing whatever you want.
You will begin by creating products in the store dashboard. Here you have to define the price and expiry time for the product. When the player buys the product, it is active for the amount of time you specify, which could be forever if you choose that option. Take note of the IDs at this point as we will use those later.

A consumable is a product that the users can buy as many times as they want. It gets the name from the fact that the product is consumed immediately, as opposed to a durable, which lasts perpetually (or until expired). Consumables are often used for coin purchases where the player might want to buy some coins and then immediately buy some more. Windows 8 does not support this scenario as the minimum expiry time for a product is 24 hours...