Examples and illustrations
One of the other out-of-the-box and popular implementations of Trident is reach topology, which is a pure DRPC topology that finds the reach of a URL on demand. Let's first understand some of the jargon before we delve deeper.
Reach is basically a sum total of the count of Twitter users exposed to a URL.
Reach computation is a multistep process that can be attained by the following examples:
- Get all the users who have ever tweeted a URL
- Fetch the follower tree of each of these users
- Assemble the huge follower sets fetched previously
- Count the set
Well, looking at the skeletal algorithm entailed previously, you can make out that it is beyond the capability of a single machine and we'd need a distributed compute engine to achieve it. It's an ideal candidate of the Storm Trident framework, as you have the capability to execute highly parallel computations at each step across the cluster.
- Our Trident reach topology would be sucking data from two large data...