- ad hoc polymorphism
- about / Polymorphism – a brief overview
- about / The future of web development, The template layer
- Anaconda
- URL / Where do we go from here?
- anonymous functions
- about / Anonymous functions
- testing / Testing the API
- helpers, testing / Testing the helpers
- handlers, testing / Testing the handlers
- application
- testing / Testing your application
- application programming interface (API)
- about / Writing a unit test
- assertion
- about / Assertions
- Base64
- about / The imports
- base class
- about / Inheritance and composition
- binary search
- about / Where to inspect
- Bitbucket
- URL / Exceptions
- black-box tests
- about / Testing your application
- Bokeh
- URL / Where do we go from here?
- boundaries
- about / A specialized else: elif
- boundary
- about / Boundaries and granularity
- built-in exceptions hierarchy
- URL / Exceptions...