Comparing NumPy to Blaze
Since we are close to the end of the book, it seems appropriate to discuss the future of NumPy. The future of NumPy is Blaze, a new open source Python numerical library. Blaze is supposed to process Big Data better than NumPy ever can. Big Data can be defined in many ways. Here, we will define Big Data as data that cannot be stored in memory or even on a single machine. Usually, the data is distributed amongst several servers. Blaze should also be able to handle large quantities of streaming data that is never stored.
Blaze can be found at
Blaze, just like NumPy, allows scientists, analysts, and engineers to quickly write efficient code. Blaze, however, goes a step further and also takes care of the work related to distributing calculations as well as extracting and transforming data from a variety of data source types.
Blaze is centered around general multidimensional array and table abstractions. The classes in Blaze represent different...