Multi-database support
One of the great things about Joomla! 3 is that it is database agnostic, and now supports additional database types such as MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL for those that do not want to use MySQL. It is beyond the scope of this book to give step-by-step instructions on how to set up these alternative database types in our development environment, but we will look at what changes are necessary to our component to support the MS SQL Server.
When Joomla! is installed, the available database types that your server (or localhost) supports are shown in the Database Type dropdown.

If you wish to support the Microsoft SQL Server, you will need to make some changes to your php.ini
file, which is going to vary depending on your server configuration and PHP version. For example:
Most likely, this driver is not included in your PHP by default, so you may have to download the driver. If configured correctly, your phpinfo page should show a sqlsrv section...