The Beagle board family
The Beagle boards are a family of low-cost, open development boards that provide everyday students, developers, and other interested people with access to the current mobile processor technology on a path toward developing ideas. Prior to the invention of the Beagle family of boards, the available options to the user were primarily limited to either low-computing power boards, such as the 8-bit microcontroller-based Arduino boards, or dead-end options, such as repurposing existing products. There were even other options such as compromising the physical size or electrical power consumption by utilizing the nonmobile-oriented technology, for example, embedding a small laptop or desktop into a project. The Beagle boards attempt to address these points and more.
The Beagle board family provides you with access to the technologies that were originally developed for mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, and uses them to develop projects and for educational purposes. By leveraging the same technology for education, students can be less reliant on obsolete technologies. All this access comes affordably. Prior to the Beagle boards being available, development boards of this class easily exceeded thousands of dollars. In contrast, the initial Beagle board offering was priced at a mere 150 dollars!