Diving deep into high-performance Avalanche chains
Avalanche blockchain is a decentralized network and smart contract-enabled blockchain platform designed from the ground up to address scalability, decentralization, and security challenges, the famous blockchain trilemma. Avalanche tackles these trilemma problems with a novel approach to network consensus, which is proven to be scalable no matter how large the decentralized network becomes. In addition, it has a unique modular architecture approach to address issues related to interoperability, finality, and usability using three separate blockchains. To attract developers from the Ethereum and DeFi community, Avalanche adopted EVM as its smart contract execution platform, which it claimed to be the fastest smart contract platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality (TTF).
In this section, we will dive deep into Avalanche blockchain architecture and its consensus mechanism. We will also discuss how three...