Creating a foliage brush
I don’t think I need to keep it a secret that the foliage brush is one of my favorite specialty brushes ever created. This brush makes drawing detailed trees and bushes easier, and it introduces us to the Ribbon options in the brush details.
In the following set of steps, we will create a leafy material and then make it into a brush that rolls out like a spool of ribbon:
- Open a new blank canvas with at least 300 dpi resolution.
- Using an inking pen, draw a row of leaves similar to the top of a tree or bush.
- Fill the leaves with white. Use the following screenshot as a guide to create your leaves and the white fill. You need a transparent background as we had in the previous sections of this chapter.
- From the File menu, click Layer | Merge visible layers. The image is now similar to the following screenshot:
Figure 9.25: Drawing leaves
- In the File menu, click on Edit | Register Material | Image...