Troubleshooting your application
In this tip, I am not going to suggest Xdebug or some browser plugin to watch all the methods being called. I am just going to cover some basic things you can do to approach any issue. I will cover a few common troubleshooting situations and how to deal with them.
Getting ready
Not much to do here; feel free to follow along by writing the code that will break, and then we have to fix it.
How to do it…
You go to a page in your browser only to see a breaking site:
If I did not have
, then I would only see the Whoops message. Keep in mind you do not want to keep this as true on publically accessible sites, because it leaks out possible information about your application that can be a huge security risk. But locally it rocks.Also, unlike the preceding message where I just happen to have imported the wrong Response class, it should have been
. Sometimes, especially in Views, the message may not be so clear. So, here...