OpenFaaS was started in December 2016 by Alex Ellis, just over a year to the day before I am writing this. Initially, it was designed to work with Docker swarm.
Docker swarm is Docker's own clustering technology; it allows you to link some hosts running the Docker Engine together. On the face of it, Docker swarm is quite similar to Kubernetes. However, the further you delve into the workings of both technologies, you will find that they not only work differently, but also have been designed to fill different gaps.
Since its first commit in December 2016, OpenFaaS has gotten a lot of attention from the Docker world. Ellis and the other OpenFaaS community members have spoken at DockerCon Europe, Moby Summit, KubeCon, and Gluecon, as well as numerous meetups over the course of the last 12 months. OpenFaaS was also included in the InfoWorld Bossie...