In this chapter, you experienced first-hand the interactions in an OIDC authentication flow. You learned how the application prepares an authentication request and then redirects the user-agent to the Keycloak authorization endpoint for authentication. Then you learned how the application obtains an authorization code, which it exchanges for an ID token. By inspecting the ID token, you then learned how an application can find out information about the authenticated users. You also learned how to leverage client scopes and protocol mappers in Keycloak to add additional information about users. Finally, you learned how to deal with not only single sign-on, but also single sign-out.
You should now have a basic understanding of OpenID Connect and how it can be used to secure your own applications. We will build on this knowledge later in the book to get you ready to start securing all your applications with Keycloak.
In the next chapter, you will get a deeper understanding...