Project permissions
Before we start working with projects in JIRA, we need to first understand a little bit about permissions. Permission is a big topic and we will be covering that in detail in Chapter 8, Securing JIRA. For now, we will briefly talk about the permissions related to creating and deleting, administering, and browsing projects.
In JIRA, users with the JIRA administrator permission will be able to create and delete projects. By default, users in the jira-administrators
group have this permission, so the administrator user we have created during the installation process in Chapter 1, Getting Started with JIRA, will be able to create new projects, and we will be referring to this user and any other users with this permission as
JIRA Administrator.
For any given project, users with the Administer Project permission for that project will be able to administer the project's configuration settings. As we will see in the later sections in this chapter, this includes updating the...