Introducing the game idea

The main task of the game is to show the player the special graphic symbols linked with specific gestures. The symbols are displayed one by one in order. In the simplest case, there is no array of gestures inside the game and there is no system in place for an order of them. Each time, the game generates the type of symbol from scratch using a random number generator. The game has to generate a type of symbol and show its graphic representation on the screen of the device. It should display it for a period of time (let's call this period an interval) waiting for the player's reaction. If the player inputs the correct gesture, the game gives them some points. If they are wrong, the application gives them few negative points and displays the next symbol. Quite simple mechanics, aren't they? Yes. A prototype with such logic can be pretty playable. Let's call it the absolute infinite mode because the game can't stop till the player stops it by himself via an exit option...