Chapter 1, Web Scraping Fundamentals, explores some core technologies and tools that are relevant to WWW and that are required for web scraping.
Chapter 2, Python and the Web – Using URLlib and Requests, demonstrates some of the core features available through the Python libraries such as requests and urllib, in addition to exploring page contents in various formats and structures.
Chapter 3, Using LXML, XPath, and CSS Selectors, describes various examples using LXML, implementing a variety of techniques and library features to deal with elements and ElementTree.
Chapter 4, Scraping Using pyquery – a Python Library, goes into more detail regarding web scraping techniques and a number of new Python libraries that deploy these techniques.
Chapter 5, Web Scraping Using Scrapy and Beautiful Soup, examines various aspects of traversing web documents using Beautiful Soup, while also exploring a framework that was built for crawling activities using spiders, in other words, Scrapy.
Chapter 6, Working with Secure Web, covers a number of basic security-related measures and techniques that are often encountered and that pose a challenge to web scraping.
Chapter 7, Data Extraction Using Web-Based APIs, covers the Python programming language and how to interact with the web APIs with regard to data extraction.
Chapter 8, Using Selenium to Scrape the Web, covers Selenium and how to use it to scrape data from the web.
Chapter 9, Using Regex to Extract Data, goes into more detail regarding web scraping techniques using regular expressions.
Chapter 10, Next Steps, introduces and examines basic concepts regarding data management using files, and analysis and visualization using pandas and matplotlib, while also providing an introduction to machine learning and data mining and exploring a number of related resources that can be helpful in terms of further learning and career development.