Having learned the lessons in this chapter, try answering the following questions on your own:
- True/False. Edge analytics is about processing data at the sensory level.
- True/False. The first IoT device was a vending machine built by graduate students at CMU.
- How many computers did Thomas Watson say the world would ever need?
- What are the three key benefits of edge analytics to be understood?
- True/False. The automated door used in our security application may be controlled anywhere in the world.
- What are the advantages of using edge computing?
- True/False. Azure IoT Edge and edge computing share the same advantages.
- What were some of the uses of early P2P networks?
- True/False. Microsoft Azure IoT is a collection of Azure services used to build IoT applications.
- True/False. Route optimization was one of the benefits to Mars Drinks of using Azure IoT.