First, we are going to build the simplest voting application, simpler than the voting application example that comes with the Vyper software source code. Let's set up our Populus project directory:
$ virtualenv -p python3.6 voting-venv
$ source voting-venv/bin/activate
(voting-venv) $ pip install eth-abi==1.2.2
(voting-venv) $ pip install eth-typing==1.1.0
(voting-venv) $ pip install web3==4.7.2
(voting-venv) $ pip install -e git+
(voting-venv) $ pip install vyper
(voting-venv) $ mkdir voting_project
(voting-venv) $ cd voting_project
(voting-venv) $ mkdir tests contracts
(voting-venv) $ cp ../voting-venv/src/populus/populus/assets/defaults.v9.config.json project.json
Then, add Vyper support to project.json by changing the value of the key compilation to the following:
"compilation": {