Preparing your app for deployment
At this point, you may be thinking that you’ve been successfully running your app on simulators, emulators, and devices, so the job is done! From a Flutter point of view, you are virtually ready for production – but there is one piece we need to revisit as a refresher.
Let’s remind ourselves of a couple of Flutter's aims. One key aim is to ensure that app development is optimized for developers as far as possible to ensure the following:
- Reduce the feedback loop so that developers can see how their changes have changed the app without a lengthy compile time. Hot reloading is an example of this.
- Have great debugging tools that allow the developer to really understand what is going on within the app. The widget tree in DevTools is an example of this, allowing you to manipulate the widget tree in real time and see exactly how it aligns with your code.
An app framework that can allow these features is likely...