Categorically speaking
We're going to use a simplified grid to build this view:
// app/view/categories/Categories.js Ext.define('Alcohology.view.categories.Categories', { extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel', xtype: 'categories', controller: 'categories', viewModel: 'categories', bodyCls: 'categories-body', requires: [ 'Alcohology.view.categories.CategoriesModel', 'Alcohology.view.categories.CategoriesController' ], bind: { store: '{categories}' }, hideHeaders: true, viewConfig: { trackOver: false }, columns: [ { text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', flex: 1 } ] });
We've hidden the grid
headers and used the flex
configuration option to tell the single column to fill all of the available space. This gives us the functionality we need for a simple scrolling list.
The list's store is then bound...