On many occasions, it is useful to be able to take a photo from an app. The programming model is very easy, but it is not the TCamera component that you need to use. In FireMonkey, taking photos is achieved by executing a special "take a photo from a camera" action.
Create a new multi-device FireMonkey blank application. Save the main form's unit as uFormCam, the project as CamApp, and change the Name property of the form to FormCam. Change the Style in the combobox above the form to iOS or Android. Drop TToolbar and TImage components on the form. Rename the image as ImagePhoto and align it to Client and drop TSpeedbutton onto the Toolbar1. Change its Name to spdbtnTakePhoto and the button's Stylelookup property to cameratoolbutton; align it to the Left and adjust the width so it becomes a square. Save all.
Drop the TActionList component on the...