In Chapter 8, Pitch Meetings, we pitched an idea and got support for the idea. In Chapter 9, Strategic Planning, our idea was included in the strategy of the organization. Now, we're managing the project.
In order for a project to be successful, it must have well-conducted project meetings. Those meetings need to support the scope of the project. They should be facilitated well, so the team stays focused on the goal. But the meetings should also focus on project deliverables, making sure the outcomes are of high quality, are on time, and are within budget. Using tools such as Gantt charts and SMART milestones will help manage the project.
However, once the meeting has ended, the work isn't over. In fact, an important part of the work takes place outside of meetings. In our final chapter, we'll talk about the things that must be done to make sure all of the hard work that happens during the meeting doesn't go to waste.