Tracking down unreported problems
Sometimes when researching a problem no matching reports will turn up. How best to proceed then likely depends on how sure you are that the problem you are encountering is a bug in Django. If you are really sure the problem lies in Django, you can proceed directly to opening a new ticket to report it. If you are not so sure, it is best to get some feedback from the community first. The following sections will describe where to ask questions, present some tips on asking good questions, and describe how to open a new ticket.
Where to ask questions
Clicking on the Community link on any Django website page brings up the following:
The left side of this page provides links to articles in blogs written by people who discuss Django. While reading such entries is a good way to learn about the community of people using Django, it is the right side of this page that we are interested in right now. Here we see links to ways to interact directly with other members of...