Developer advocacy's recent growth
Geertjan Wielenga: It seems to me that very few people know about this profession. Do you agree with me?
Andres Almiray: I definitely agree with you. I think that we have seen, in the past few years, more and more tech people jump into the option of traveling around the world, which involves letting potential customers and developers know what's happening in their particular neck of the woods and what they're doing in a particular niche.
I believe that this change is because companies have figured out that if you don't reach out to developers directly, then it's much harder to sell particular solutions. It doesn't matter how easily you can convince the decision-maker, or the people at the top of the chain, if once they push down a particular solution the developers won't accept it. You have to find a way to convince both the people at the top and the developers. You have to find a way to do it properly too...