Taking Images Further
In this chapter, we’ll look at some more advanced techniques when it comes to working with images in InDesign. You will learn how to wrap text automatically around the subject of an image rather than the rectangular frame, as well as create an alpha channel in Photoshop and then wrap text around it within InDesign. We also will create a simple layered PSD file within Photoshop, and then look at how to hide and show those layers while working within InDesign.
Later in this chapter, you will use metadata, which has been added to the image in either Photoshop or Bridge, to automatically generate captions for the image in InDesign. And finally, we will look at anchoring an image’s position to a specific place within the text, ensuring it moves as the text moves.
The recipes we will cover in this chapter are as follows:
- Wrapping text around objects in an image
- Hiding and showing image layers in InDesign
- Using metadata for captions...