As has been mentioned previously, the installation of the client is not a difficult task. However, for installation to go smoothly, it is important to know one important detail--an operating system on which the ConfigMgr client will work needs to meet some prerequisites regarding the installed software.
The client installer checks for all the prerequisites; if these are met, the installer starts its work.
Prerequisites for the operating system as follows:
- Windows Installer version 3.1.4000.2435
- BITS version 2.5 or higher
- Windows Update Agent version 7.0.6000.363
- Microsoft Remote Differential Compression
Components that--if missing--are installed by the ConfigMgr client installer are as follows:
- Microsoft Core XML Services version 6.20.5002 or higher
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable version 12.0.21005.1
- Microsoft Policy Platform version...