One-round ZKP
In this section, we’ll explore a little-known ZKP composed of only one round of encryption that was presented by two researchers, Sultan Almuhammadi and Clifford Neuman, from the University of Southern California. It purports to give proof of knowledge for a challenge in just one round. The paper, Security and privacy using one-round zero-knowledge proofs (2005), states the following: “The proposed approach creates new protocols that allow the prover to prove knowledge of a secret without revealing it.”
The researchers also proved that a non-interactive ZKP is more efficient in terms of computational and communications costs because it saves execution time and reduces latency in communication.
ZKPs are used in many fields of information technology, such as e-commerce applications, smart cards, digital cash, anonymous communication, and electronic voting. Almuhammadi and Neuman sought to satisfy the requirements of ZKPs but in just one round...