The sample web app that we are going to build has the purpose of managing a list of people contained in a database. It is an extremely simple database as it only has one table with two columns—one for a numeric ID and one for a name. To keep the project simple, the database is actually a vector of struct objects kept in memory; but of course, in a real-world application, it would be stored in a Database Management System (DBMS).
The project will be built in steps, creating four projects that are progressively more complex, that can be downloaded from the GitHub repository linked in the Technical requirements section of this chapter:
- The templ project is a collection of code snippets that shows how to use the Tera template engine for the projects of this chapter.
- The list project is a simple list of records about people that can be filtered by name. These records are actually contained in the database code and cannot be changed by the user.
- The crud project contains...