We have seen how to use WebTest with a plain WSGI application, but thanks to the fact that WSGI is widely adopted by all major web frameworks, it's possible to use WebTest with nearly all Python web frameworks.
To showcase how WebTest is able to work with most Python web frameworks, we are going to replicate our httpbin in four web frameworks: Django, Flask, Pyramid, and TurboGears2, and for all of them we are going to use the same exact test suite. So we will share a single test suite between four different frameworks.
The first step is to create a test suite that can verify that our web applications are starting correctly. We are going to do so by adding a test that verifies all four web applications' answering with a "Hello World" message on the index of the website.
The first step is to create a tests/test_wsgiapp.py file that's going to contain our only test for now:
import webtest
class TestWSGIApp:
def test_home(self...