Understanding data security
In this section, we will discuss data security. Data is the most important resource for a data analyst. Without data, we would be out of a job. Not only is it important to have data, but it is important to make sure the data maintains its integrity. Data integrity is basically how valid, or accurate, the data is, and maintaining data integrity involves work on several different levels. For example, using the data to calculate a new variable does not impact the original data at all; the data itself hasn’t been touched and there is no impact on data integrity. However, changing or manipulating the data to show trends that are not there does impact data integrity. Incorrect use of the data means the data becomes useless because the sample will no longer reflect the population. Through malice or mistake, if anyone can access the data from anywhere at any time, then the data is at serious risk. Here, we will discuss how to keep the wrong people from messing...