Creating an integrated nameserver solution
So far in this chapter, we used Unbound as a caching-only DNS server solution because it is very secure and fast, and BIND as our authoritative-only DNS server because its zone management is highly configurable and customizable. BIND has been around for a long time and is the most used DNS software ever. However, a number of critical bugs have been found (and luckily fixed) in the past. Here in this recipe, we will combine Unbound with BIND to get the best of both worlds: Only the very secure Unbound service will be directly exposed to your private network and can take and serve DNS queries from your clients. The BIND service stays bound to localhost only as it was configured in a former recipe and is only allowed to resolve internal hostnames and does not have direct access to the Internet or your clients. If a client connects to your Unbound service and requests to resolve an internal hostname from your private network, Unbound will query the...